Lunes, Mayo 27, 2013

No (Reason to) H8

            Why does the society hate the LGBT community? Give me a logical unselfish reason to do so. Who are these most famous haters of the said community? These are the Ultimate-religious-close-minded people, Overly conservative people, and Too-straight-to-function people. All in all, these three group of haters are called Judgmental jerks. What could be their reason for hating LGBT so much?

            Let's start with the Ultimate-religious-close-minded people. Don'tget me  wrong, I'm a religious person, but i keep my mind open. They say that we, gay people, are going to hell. That homosexuality is a sin. Are they aware that being gay can be hereditary? Just like that, your physical appearance can be hereditary. Is it a sin to be ugly? Are we going to hell just because our height is 5"1? If they found out that their son or daughter is gay, would they blame theirselves if they knew that it's because of their genes? Or would they still be closed minded that they wont accept their fault? But not necessarily that when a gay person had a child, it's automatically gay. I said, there's a chance.

            They said that God loves us no matter what. Even if you have killed somebody. What is so terrible about us, the gay community, that the church says God doesn't love us. What is their right to use Gods name in their selfishness. They are violating one of the 10 commandments; Don't use Gods name in vain.

            The motto of the Ultimate-religious-close-minded people against the LGBT community is "Adam is for Eve, not for Steve" Tell me again why The Almighty created Eve for Adam. It's because Adam NEEDS a companion and they NEED to reproduce their kind. Today, reproducing is not a problem anymore. In fact, the world is over populated. And in those overflowing people, I think companion with the opposite sex is not necessary anymore. The truth is, homosexuals helps in the population problem. And when homosexuals adopt a child, they help them have a brighter future. If there's a punishment for being gay, it's that we can't have a child of our own. We can't have a child of both her and her genes or both his and his genes. Give me a verse in the Bible that says homosexuality is a sin. If you found one, read it again, understand and analyze. Maybe you misundestood the verse.

            Next, the Overly-conservative people. These are the people who hates gay people just because it doesn't seem right. They are ashamed to have a gay relative because they are afraid of a bad reputation. They are too busy protecting their reputation and what other people would think. They don't even take the time to understand what the LGBT feels, even if it's their own child. Sad to say, reputation comes first.

            Lastly, the Too-straight-to-fuction people. These people are too straight that their brain can't function and understand the LGBTs reasons for being so. There are straight people who understands the gay people. But the Too-straight-to-function people have so much hate in the LGBT community that it had taken over their capacity to comprehend the LGBTs side of the story. They are disgusted when they see gay people and the only reason is hate.

            Why did I call them Judgmental jerks? Because they judge us right away without even knowing our story.

            Unfortunately, my family is combined Overly-conservative and Too-straight-too-function haters. That's why I'm still in the closet.

            To those Religious people who understands gay people, thank you for believing in us.

           To the Conservative people who accepts the LGBT community, thank you for your understanding us.

            To the Straight people who remaines to be an alliance of the LGBT community, thank you for your support.

            - To the people who believes, understands and supports us, I salute you.


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